This products has been superseded by,
Data Grid Control
The java Data Grid Control applet enables the display of data
in rows & columns in java & web applications. Powerful
features include Fast Sorting, Data Acquisition, URL Hyperlinks,
Embedded Images, Column Totalling and much more.
This applet is an evolved version
of the basic Sirius table applet. The major enhancement here is that
the data is read from a text file on the server. Thus not restricting
the number of rows, or requiring constant updates to the html code.
Once the html code is set up, the file location is defined, the data
file can be changed or updated by other systems and the applet will
automatically pick up the latest data from the file each time the
page is accessed. Also just like the basic table applet this applet
will enhance the display of tabular data with horizontal and vertical
scrollbars. It also contains sort functionality on each column, giving
the user the ability to re-sort the data as they wish without having
to re-fetch the data from a server process. The applet will automatically
size itself to the available area given to it by the HTML form. (The
WIDTH and HEIGHT of the APPLET tag.)
The applet is easy to use and highly configurable in terms of colours,
fonts etc.
The main two html parameters for defining the date file are :
<PARAM NAME="Delimiter"
<PARAM NAME="FileLocation" VALUE="YOURURL/datafile.txt">
With a '|' delimiter character the data file will look like this:
The applet will read this file and create the following table on your web page :