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License - Single Organization / Personal license.
license enables the use of the software for the following
i) Any number of web sites / pages belonging to a single
organization or individual.
ii) Any number of intranet sites / pages belonging to a
single organization or individual.
iii) Placing upon a CD where the product is used for the
navigation of that CD, regardless of how many copies of
that CD are distributed.
(e.g. 6000 CD-ROM's with the same thing on each CD-ROM).
License ( OEM ) - Multiple Organization license.
(buy once run anywhere !)
This license enables the use of the software for the following
i) For developers and designers who make web applications
or multiple websites, for multiple organization or people.
ii) For placing on a CD ROM where the product forms part
of a package to be installed.
iii) For placing on multiple issues of CD ROM's
iv) For the incorporation of the product into a larger application
which is subsequently sold / distributed.
Code License
For most implementations the source code is not generally
necessary, however for those who wish to customize the functionality,
incorporate into a larger java application or simply out
of interest we offer the software package complete with
all source code documented.