Advanced Sliding Text Applet

Advanced Sliding Text Applet

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Advanced Sliding Text Applet - Quick Start

Adding Advanced Sliding Text Applet to your web page involves the following 3 simple steps.

  1. Add the Script tags to your Web Page
  2. Create the data file
  3. Upload the files to your web server

Step 1- Add the Script tags to your Web Page
Add the code in the text box below to your web page in the position where you would like the Advanced Sliding Text Applet to appear.

Adjust the values of the PARAM tags in this code to provide the 'look and feel' you require. For information on the effect of each setting see Parameters»

Step 2- Create the data file
The Advanced Sliding Text Applet will read the data file in order to determine the the content to be displayed. It is recommend that, rather then creating a data file from scratch, you take a copy of one of the data files from the "./Examples/" directory and modify this with your own data.

For further information on the valid options and format of the data file see Data File »

Step 3- Upload the files to your web server.
The final step is to upload the following files to your web server placing them in the same directory as your web page:-

  • AdvSlidingText.jar
  • textdata.txt

Copies of these files can be found in the ./Examples/ directory of this package.

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