Example 6
Placing all the Menu and Item data in text files.

As you can see, when the number submenu's and item's begins to grow the html begins to look a little cumbersome. For this reason we have built in the ability for the menu bar to retrieve the menu and item data from text files. In this way the menu and item data is far easier to manage and the html will look cleaner. In this example we place all the menu data in a file called ../../advmenubar/Examples/menudata.txt and all the item data in a file called ../../advmenubar/Examples/itemdata.txt.

And here is the html code,

<applet code="MenubarApplet" archive="AdvMenubar.jar" width="300" height="30" mayscript>
<param NAME="cabbase" VALUE="AdvMenubar.cab">

<param name="backgroundColor" value="0,0,0">
<param name="Itemdata" value="../../advmenubar/Examples/itemdata.txt">
<param name="Menudata" value="../../advmenubar/Examples/menudata.txt">

<!-- Images -->
<param name="image1" value="home|./IconImages/home.gif">
<param name="image2" value="home2|./IconImages/home2.gif">
<param name="image3" value="online|./IconImages/online.gif">
<param name="image4" value="online2|./IconImages/online2.gif">
<param name="image5" value="select|./IconImages/select.gif">
<param name="image6" value="select2|./IconImages/select2.gif">
<param name="image7" value="look|./IconImages/look.gif">
<param name="image8" value="look2|./IconImages/look2.gif">
<param name="image9" value="doc|./IconImages/doc.gif">
<param name="image10" value="doc2|./IconImages/doc2.gif">
<param name="image11" value="world|./IconImages/world.gif">
<param name="image12" value="world2|./IconImages/world2.gif">


To view the ../../advmenubar/Examples/menudata.txt file click here.

To view the ../../advmenubar/Examples/itemdata.txt file click here.


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