Fading Images 2

Fading Images 2 Parameter Reference

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Fading Images 2 Full Parameter Reference

The values of the parameters dictate the content and behaviour of the Fading Images 2

Please Note : Parameter names are case sensitive. ( i.e. 'width' is not the same as 'Width' ).
startupcolor Specifies the background color while the first image is loading. Specify the red, green and blue intensities separated by commas and no spaces.

Range of Values : Decimal R,G,B Color
<PARAM name="startupcolor" value="255,255,255">
startupimage If specified then this image will be loaded and displayed while either the first image or all the images in the sequence are loaded. (See also loadall)

Range of Values : URL of an Image File
<PARAM name="startupimage" value="startup.gif">
textcolor Specifies the color of the loading message. Specify the red, green and blue intensities separated by commas and no spaces.

Range of Values : Decimal R,G,B Color
<PARAM name="textcolor" value="0,0,0">
loadingmessage Message to be displayed whilst images are loading

Range of Values : Text
<PARAM name="loadingmessage" value="Loading Images....">
loadall If yes is specified then all the images will be loaded before the first image fades out. If no is specified then each image will be loaded just before it fades in.

Range of Values : "yes" or "no"
<PARAM name="loadall" value="no">
imageN The URL of each image file. Repeat this parameter for each image to be displayed

Range of Values : URL of an Image file
<PARAM name="image1" value="image1.gif">
<PARAM name="image2" value="image1.gif">
<PARAM name="image3" value="image1.gif">
<PARAM name="image4" value="image1.gif">
linkN The link for each image

Range of Values : Any valid URL
<PARAM name="link1" value="http://www.jpowered.com">
<PARAM name="link2" value="http://www.yourdomain.com">
<PARAM name="link3" value="http://www.adomain.com">
<PARAM name="link4" value="http://www.here.com">
timeN The time in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds) to display an image before it fades out.

Range of Values : Positive Integer
<PARAM name="time1" value="2000">
<PARAM name="time2" value="1000">
<PARAM name="time3" value="5000">
<PARAM name="time4" value="3000">
fps Frames per second while an image is fading out. The higher this is the smoother the fading is. But more memory will be used and more time will be needed to process each image before it fades in.

Range of Values : 1 to 100
<PARAM name="fps" value="30">
timefading The length of time in milliseconds to fade from one image to another image. The longer this is the more memory will be used and more time will be needed to process each image before it fades in.

Range of Values : 100 to 10,000
<PARAM name="timefading" value="1000">
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Fading Images 2