Standard HTML Color Definition
graph can also accept color values in the same
format as colors are defined within an HTML
page. ie. in the range and format from "#000000"
to "#FFFFFF".
is a Red,Green,Blue color model where each component
is defined by a 2 byte (character) Hexadecimal
number. Some common values are,
Color names and RGB values
| Black
= "#000000"
| Green
= "#008000"
| Silver
= "#B0B0B0"
| Lime
= "#00FF00"
| Gray
= "#808080"
| Olive
= "#808000"
| White
| Yellow
= "#FFFF00"
| Maroon
= "#800000"
| Navy
= "#000080"
| Red
= "#FF0000"
| Blue
= "#0000FF"
| Purple
= "#800080"
| Teal
= "#008080"
| Fuchsia
= "#FF00FF"
| Aqua
= "#00FFFF"
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Decimal Red, Green, Blue Definition
graph can also accept color values in Red, Green,
Blue Format where each component is specified
by a decimal integer in the range 0 to 255.
Each value should be separated by a , character.
are some of the common colors and the corresponding
value that should be entered,
Color names and RGB values
| Black
= "0,0,0"
| Green
= "0,128,0"
| Silver
= "192,192,192"
| Lime
= "0,255,0"
| Gray
= "128,128,128"
| Olive
= "128,128,0"
| White
= "255,255,255"
| Yellow
= "255,255,0"
| Maroon
= "128,0,0"
| Navy
= "0,0,128"
| Red
= "255,0,0"
| Blue
= "0,0,255"
| Purple
= "128,0,128"
| Teal
= "0,128,128"
| Fuchsia
= "255,0,255"
| Aqua
= "0,255,255"
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