Advanced Graphs and Charts for PHP
Getting Started

Getting Started


The Advanced Graph and Chart Software is designed to make it easy for web developers to add dynamically generated graphs and charts into web pages and applications.

Implementation and Set Up

Upload the directory "./jpowered" and all it's contents to your web server.
( the directory ./jpowered is included in this package )

That's It !
You have now installed the graphing software demos and Sample Application. You can now access the demos and see the graphing software working by entering the following URL into your browser address bar:-
( replacing "" with your actual domain name).

If you encounter any problems then please feel free to contact JPowered Support ».

Next Steps

Help and Support

We hope the documentation and tutorials enable you to quickly add dynamic graphs to your pages, however if at any stage you require assistance, help or advice then please feel free contact us via our support pages at:-

JPowered Support »

Usage and Licensing

The trial version is fully functional however all resultant graph images will contain a registration message.
Licensed - Upon purchasing a license you will be provided with a license key which will unlock the graphing software and the registration message will be removed.

License keys can be obtained here »

Full Documentation

This package contains the base level documentation in the './documentation' directory which can be viewed here ».

The latest version of the documentation is available online and may contain updates and additions.
The Online Documentation can be viewed here »

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