Advanced Sliding Text Applet

Advanced Sliding Text Applet

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Advanced Sliding Text Applet - Parameter Reference

The Advanced Sliding Text Applet has several settings which provide for a variety of implementation. The Advanced Sliding Text Applet can be tailored to suite your requirements by setting the following parameters:-

Category 1
Parameter Description Example
BGcolor The background color
For more on defining colors see,
Color Definitions (click here)
<param name="BGcolor" value="255,255,255">
BorderWidth This is the width in pixels of the border. This must a positive integer value. If you do not require a border then set this value to 0. <param name="BorderWidth" value="1">
BorderColor The color of the border.
For more on defining colors see,
Color Definitions (click here)
<param name="BorderColor" value="0,0,255">
ScrollSpeed This specifies the speed at which the text will be scrolled. Range of values are 1 (slow) to 100 (fast). <param name="ScrollSpeed" value="50">
TextColor In the absence of any <COLOR> tags this will be the color of the text.
For more on defining colors see,
Color Definitions (click here)
<param name="TextColor" value="0,0,0">
LinkColor This specifies the color of any Linked Text (URLs).
For more on defining colors see,
Color Definitions (click here)
<param name="LinkColor" value="0,0,255">
Font In the absence of any <FONT> tags this will the font definition of the text.
For more on defining colors see,
Color Definitions (click here)
<param name="Font" value="Courier,N,12">
Indent In the absence of <INDENT> tags this will be default indent of each line of text. This is a positive integer value which represents the number of pixels. <param name"Indent" value="10">
PagePause With this parameter you can set the applet to pause scrolling at the end of each page. The value is a positive integer and represents the number seconds to pause before continuing the scroll. If you do not require a pause between pages then set this value to 0. <param name="PagePause" value="2">
dataURL This specified the location and name of the file which contains your Text to be displayed. The value should be a valid URL or if the file is in the same directory as your web page then simply the filename.

For more on the Data File - click here.
<param name="dataURL" value="textdata.txt">
startupmessage The text to be displayed whilst the applet is loading your data <param name="startupmessage" value="Loading - Please Wait.">
startBGcolor Specifies the background color upon startup.
For more on defining colors see,
Color Definitions (click here)
<param name="startBGcolor" value="255,255,255">
startTXTcolor Specifies the text color upon startup.
For more on defining colors see,
Color Definitions (click here)
<param name="startTXTcolor" value="0,0,0">
mousepause This parameter specifies whether the scrolling should halt when the visitor passes the mouse pointer over the text. <param name="mousepause" value="true">
WordWrap This parameter specifies whether Word Wrap should be used or not. <param name="WordWrap" value="true">

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