Why Have a Custom version ?
Giving away a free piece of software from your site is a great way to build link popularity and increase
visitor numbers to your site. By far the most popular form of software is Free Game Software.
With your very own Free Game you can:-
- Gain links on other sites when people add the game to their pages
- Gain links from the many download and free download sites
- Gain visitors from sites who have placed your game on their pages
- Gain visitors from the many download and free download sites
In addition you may well find that third parties begin to redistribute your free download package on your
behalf simply because it is free.
How long will it take ?
Currently we are able to deliver your own custom version to you within one week of receiving an order.
What you get
There is no programming required on your part we create the customized game for you complete with the download
package and instructions for people to install on their sites.
Full redistribution rights. Although we retain the copyright of the game code you have full redistribution
rights of your custom version.
The game will contain your very own custom message or image which will link to which ever page you require.
Why are links on other sites important ?
Most search engines today use some system of determining the general importance of a web site. Many search
engines use the number of links which point to a site to rank it. The more links pointing to your site the more important
your site becomes. Usually this means a higher position in the search results.
Nobody (outside of a search engine organization) can know for sure exactly how pages are ranked but it is
true to say that the sites that come at the top of search query tend to have an awful lot of links pointing to them.