The configuration data is acquired from the text file ../../../bar_graph/shbarchart/Examples/barprops.txt
(click here to view)
and the graph data is acquired from the text file ../../../bar_graph/shbarchart/Examples/bardata.txt (click here to view).
and here is the HTML code,
<applet code="SHbarchartApplet.class" archive="SHbarchart.jar"
width="450" height="440" mayscript>
<!-- Start Up Parameters -->
<PARAM name="LOADINGMESSAGE" value="Creating Chart - Please Wait.">
<PARAM name="STEXTCOLOR" value="0,0,100">
<PARAM name="STARTUPCOLOR" value="255,255,255">
<!-- Data files -->
<PARAM name="chartproperties" value="../../../bar_graph/shbarchart/Examples/barprops.txt">
<PARAM name="chartdata" value="../../../bar_graph/shbarchart/Examples/bardata.txt">
For a full explanation of and range of values for the above parameters please
see the Documentation - Configuration Options».
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