bar graph

2D / 3D Stacked Horizontal Bar Graph Tutorials

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Quick Start Tutorials - Supplying the Data via Plain Text Files

This method is ideal where the chart data is fairly static. With this method chart data may be updated without editing the HTML page.

This method may be applied to both Applet & Servlet forms of the graph.

Method Outline - This method involves incorporating the graphing applet (or Servlet) into your web page and supplying the data via a separate plain text file. Every visitor will see an identical graph whenever they visit the page.

This method involves the following 4 steps,

  1. Add the applet (or Servlet) html code to your web page
  2. Set up the Configuration data
  3. Set up the Bar Graph data
  4. Upload the jar file to your web server

Step 1 - Add the applet html code to your web page
Add the following HTML code to your web page,

Adjusting the "width" and "height" element of this applet tag to specify the size (in pixels) of the desired graph display.

Step 2 - Set up the Configuration data.
The applet will read all the configuration parameters from a specified file. To use this option add the following PARAM tag to your html code between the <applet> and </applet> tags,

where "barprops.txt" is the name of the file containing the configuration data ( click here for an example file ).

As you will see from the example file each property is specified on a name, value basis. Note that comments may be added to this file by placing "<!--" at the beginning of a line.

Adjust the property values to specify the characteristics of the bar graph and then place this file in the same directory as your web page.

For a full description of each property please see:-
"Configuration Options and Parameters".

Step 3 - Set up the Bar Graph data
The applet will read all the data from a specified file. To use this option add the following PARAM tag to your html code between the <applet> and </applet> tags,

where "bardata.txt" is the name of the file containing the data ( click here for an example file ).

As you will see from the example file each piece of data is specified on a name, value basis. The first element of each line represents the data name (specifying the series and data order) and then the value. (Also note that comments may be added to this file by placing "<!--" at the beginning of a line.).

Simply create a similar file, adding your data values. For a full explanation of this file please see the "Retrieving Data from Files" under the "Data and Configuration" section ( or click here).

Step 4 - Upload the jar file to your web server.
The final step is to place the
SHbarchart.jar file in the same directory as your web page.

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