Graph and Chart Software Documentation

Trouble Shooting Guide

If you experience difficulties in getting the graph images to display then the following will help to establish the cause of the problem

Error Log File

In the event the graphing software encounters a problem it will write a message to an error log file. The Error Log File is located in ./jpowered/graph/log/

Hopefully the error messages in there will provide you with enough information to quickly resolve the issue. If not then please feel free to contact us at JPowered Support and we will be happy to assist.


Check the Data and Config processes

One of the most common problems is that either the Data or Config specified are not producing the result they should be. This can quickly be checked by entering the URL to those processes directly into the browser address bar

For example, if the IMG tag in your page is:-

then you would enter the following URLs directly into your browser address bar:-

This will quickly provide you with an indication of whether the problem is with the directory paths or the processes themselves. If all is fine with the data and config processes then you should proceed with the next step and run the graphing software in debug mode.


Debug Mode

If the log files do not provide the answer then the next step is to run the graphing software in debug mode. This is done by entering the URL of the IMG tag directly into browser address with an additional parameter added.

For example, if the IMG tag in your page is:-

then you would enter the following URL directly into your browser address bar:-

NOTE: the additional parameter added to the end of the url is "debug=true"
The additional parameter tells the graphing software to turn on error reporting and so error message will be displayed in the browser

Again, hopefully the error messages will provide you with enough information to quickly resolve the issue. If not then please feel free to contact us at JPowered Support and we will be happy to assist.


Relative URLs and Directory Paths

Another common cause of problems can be confusion over the directory paths. By default all relative paths are Relative to the Graphing Software and NOT the page

This can be overridden by the addition of the parameter baseurl
For example, if your page containing the IMG tag is in your web root and you wish the data and config parameters to be relative to this then the IMG tag would look like this:-

This assumes that vbardata.php is located in the directory /data/ just below your web root and vbarconfig.txt is located in the web root.



Demo Index

Troubleshooting Guide


Documentation Contents

Adding Graphs to Web Pages

Configuration Options and Parameters

Supplying the Graph with Data

Sample Image Tags

Database Connections

Database Information method

Custom Data Function

Installation Help

Upgrade PHP

Upgrade GD

Log File

Allow URL Fopen