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2D/3D Pie Chart for PHP

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2D/3D Pie Chart for PHP

Documentation - Defining Colors

Any color parameter can accept colors defined in one of three ways:-

Standard HTML Hexadecimal Color defintion

The graph can accept color values in the same format as colors are defined within an HTML page. ie. in the range and format from "#000000" to "#FFFFFF".


backgroundcolor: #FFFFFF

This is a Red,Green,Blue color model where each component is defined by a 2 byte (character) Hexadecimal number. Some common values are,

some Common Hexadecimal RGB values
Black = "#000000" Green = "#008000"
Silver = "#B0B0B0" Lime = "#00FF00"
Gray = "#808080" Olive = "#808000"
White = "#FFFFFF" Yellow = "#FFFF00"
Maroon = "#800000" Navy = "#000080"
Red = "#FF0000" Blue = "#0000FF"
Purple = "#800080" Teal = "#008080"
Fuchsia = "#FF00FF" Aqua = "#00FFFF"



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Color Name

The graph will recognize all of the following color names and as such you can use these names as the value of any Color parameter.


backgroundcolor: light blue


Color Names recognised by the graphing software
red light red dark red
green light green dark green
blue light blue dark blue
orange light orange dark orange
yellow light yellow dark yellow
pink light pink dark pink
purple light purple dark purple
grey light grey dark grey
gray light gray dark gray
cyan turquoise beige
brown maroon magenta
violet peach lavender
rose navy royalblue
sky blue steel blue sea green
lime green khaki aquamarine


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Decimal 3 component code ( Red,Green,Blue)

The graph can also accept color values in Red, Green, Blue Format where each component is specified by a decimal integer in the range 0 to 255. Each value should be separated by a , character.


backgroundcolor: 255,255,255

Below are some of the common colors and the corresponding value that should be entered,

some Common Decimal RGB values
Black = "0,0,0" Green = "0,128,0"
Silver = "192,192,192" Lime = "0,255,0"
Gray = "128,128,128" Olive = "128,128,0"
White = "255,255,255" Yellow = "255,255,0"
Maroon = "128,0,0" Navy = "0,0,128"
Red = "255,0,0" Blue = "0,0,255"
Purple = "128,0,128" Teal = "0,128,128"
Fuchsia = "255,0,255" Aqua = "0,255,255"


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