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2D/3D Pie Chart for PHP

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2D/3D Pie Chart for PHP

How it Works

The following brief description is intended purely those who are interested. It is not essential to understand this page in order to use the graphing software.


The graphing package is a piece of software written entirely within the PHP language. The software can operate on any web server with a PHP Engine. The set-up and install process is very easy and simply requires copying a couple of files to your web server.
( see Quick Set-UP and Install for details )

A graph is added to a web page using the standard html <IMG> tag (the same tag which is used to add images to a web page). In this case the <IMG> tag is set to point at the graphing software, rather than an actual image file.

When a user's browser views a page which contains the graphing <IMG> tag the following will occur (automatically).

  1. The browser will send a request to the graphing software for the graph image.
  2. Upon receiving a request the graphing software will load up the configuration file and acquire the data from the source specified ( see Tutorials and Documentation for more on this ).
  3. The graphing software will then create a graph image according to the configuration and data loaded.
  4. The graph image is then formatted in standard PNG format and returned to the requesting browser.
  5. The final step is the browser displaying the graph image to the user.

All of this happens automatically and very quickly, in fact the user will not notice the difference between this and any other image within the page.

Unlike some graphing software packages, at no point is the graph image stored as a file on the web server. The graph image is always created 'on the fly' and all system resources are immediately released. This makes the graphing package incredibly scaleable and easy to manage.


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step-by- step guide to add graphing for your site.

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