pie chart

2D/3D Pie Chart for PHP

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2D/3D Pie Chart for PHP

Documentation - Pie Chart Quality

A digital image is made up of pixels (dots). This means that whenever a line is drawn on the image, which is not horizontal or vertical, there is a slight error resulting in a 'jagged' appearance. This is most noticable with circular lines and is therefore highly relevant to Pie Charts.

There is an image processing technique which will dramatically improve the quality of circular objects drawn on a digital canvas. This technique is know as Anti-Aliasing. Essentially it works by 'smoothing' out the lines to provide a more uniform appearance.

As with all image processing techniques there is an additional cost in terms of processing power required. Therefore there is a trade-off between image quality and speed.

The Pie Chart software enables you to set the right level of image quality for your implementation. The higher the quality setting the better the pie image but the image will take longer to produce.

The "quality" parameter may be set to one of the following values:-

Low - No smoothing is performed but the image is produced very quickly

Medium - Some smoothing is performed giving a reasonable appearance in a time only slightly slowly than the low setting.

High - A higher level of smoothing is performed giving a very good quality result but the time taken to produce the image is about double that of the low setting.

Very High - A very level of smoothing is performed to give the best possible result. The time taken is around 4 times that of the low setting.

Low Medium
High Very High

One of the big factors which effect the time taken to perform the image smoothing is the size of each pie. The larger the pie the more pixels there are to process and hence the more processing time is required.

Is the Quality parameter supported on your installation of PHP ?

The smoothing algorithm requires that PHP is running with a graphics environment of GD 2 or higher. If your PHP environment is running with GD 1.x then the chart will automatically set the quality parameter to low regardless of the specification in the property file.

For more information on the PHP GD environment click here »



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