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Advanced Treeview Tree Menu

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Advanced Treeview Tree Menu


In this release we have made the following methods public which means they can be accessed from external routines ie. JavaScript.

If you intend to use any of the following methods then must first name the tree applet. This is done by adding the "name" attribute to the APPLET tag, eg,

<applet name="TREEMENU" code="TreeApplet" width="250" height="300" archive="Treemenu.jar">

Addnode(String newnode)

This function will add a new node to the node list. Simply supply the new node parameter string as the argument for this function.


document.applets['TREEMENU'].Addnode('newnode|root|New Node');


Delnode(String delnodeid)

To delete a node simply supply the node id to be deleted as the argument for this function.




ReloadFile(String fileurl)

This method will cause a total reload of the node data from the specified file or server side process..





To view a demo of the above methods click here »
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