java applet

Purchasing Options

Placing an Order with JPowered

We aim to make the process of ordering and obtaining our software products and services as quick and easy as possible for you. Click on your preferred method below for details and instructions on how to proceed:-

Purchase Order

If the value of the item you wish to purchase is over $100 (USD) then we are quite happy to release the licensed software upon the receipt of a valid Company Purchase Order.
Place a Purchase Order here

Bank / Wire or Money Transfer

This method allows for the purchase of software by direct bank transfer ( also known as Wire or Money Transfer )

Bank / Wire or Money Transfer details here

Bank Check via the Mail

We are happy to accept payment via bank checks in either USD (US Dollars), Euros or GBP (Pounds Sterling)

Bank Check details here

Online Credit Card Payment

This is the most popular way to obtain our products. Simply browse through the catalogue to the product of your choice and click on the order button next to the license type required. Following the transaction you will be automatically redirected to our software download page, where you will be able to download the software immediately.
Product Catalogue
If you require any further information or help with completing a purchase order then please feel free to contact our sales consultants via the
Support Form here