charts and graphs for php

Advanced Graph and Chart for PHP

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Advanced Graph and Chart Collection for PHP

Quick Set-Up and Install Guide
advanced graph and chart collection

Installing the graphing server on your web server is very easy and by the end of this page you will have both the software installed and the examples working.


A Web Server running PHP 4.0.6 or higher.
Most web servers do now include a PHP engine, but if you are unsure then either ask your server administrator / hosting provider or just give it a try anyway.

Essential: GD Library must be enabled - more info»


Set Up and Install Procedure

Step 1

Upload the directory "/jpowered" and all it's contents to your web server.
( the directory /jpowered is included in this package )

That's It !
You have now installed the graphing software and demo's. You should now be able to access the demo's and see the graphing software working by entering the following URL in your browser's address bar:-

( replacing "" with your actual domain name).


The contents of the jpowered directory can actually be placed within any of your web directories, however keeping it all in a single directory named jpowered will make it easier for future reference.



Any Problems ?

In the vast majority of cases (over 95%) the above is all that is required. However if you find that the demo's are not working for you please feel free to tell us and we will be happy to assist.

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Please remember to include the URL of your web site.

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How the graphing software works.

Quick Set-Up and Install »

step-by- step guide to add graphing for your site.

Tutorials »

Introducing many powerful features.

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