bubble chart

Bubble Chart for PHP

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Bubble Chart for PHP

Tutorials - Adding a Graph to a Web Page

Before following this tutorial it is essential that the graph software has been installed. If you have not yet done so then you should complete the install procedure now,
Quick Set-Up and Install »

This tutorial will guide you through the simplest method for adding a Bubble Chart to a web page. The graph will load data from a file "data.txt" and the configuration from a file "simpleconfig.txt".

Step 1 - Add the <IMG> tag to your web page

Add this HTML code to your page,

<img src="bubble-chart.php?

Save the web page and load it up to your web server.


The position of this code will determine where the graph will be displayed within your page.

Step 2 - Create the data and config files

From the /tutorials/ directory (of this package) copy the 2 files data.txt and simpleconfig.txt to your web server.

The files should be placed in the same directory as your web page.




The data.txt file contains the data values to be plotted. This example file contains 2 series of data each with 6 data values.

The graph can also pull data directly from databases and other sources. This is explored in the later tutorials.

This simpleconfig.txt file contains the bare minimum of information ( just the width & height parameters ). There are of course many parameters which may be added to this file and in the next tutorial we shall be using all of them.

Step 3 - Copy the file "bubble-chart.php"

From the /jpowered/bubblechart/ directory (of this package) copy the file bubble-chart.php and place it in the same directory as your web page.




The file bubble-chart.php is the actual software file which reads the data and produces the graph image at page view time.

This file may actually be placed in any web directory on your server. In the following tutorial we will show how to do this.

Final Step - View the page in a browser

Open your web browser and view the page.

You should see a Bubble Chart with 12 points plotted (6 for each series).

This first graph is fairly plain, in the next tutorial we shall be using many more features which really enhance the graph image.


Follow-Up Suggestion:

Edit the data.txt file changing some of the values and adding some more data values to each series.

You can even add another series of data (or as many as you like).

« back to Getting Started next Tutorial »

Any Problems ?

In the vast majority of cases (over 95%) the above is all that is required. However if you experience any problems please feel free to tell us and we will be happy to assist.

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Please remember to include the URL of your web page.

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step-by- step guide to add graphing for your site.

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