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Advanced Treeview Tree Menu

Demos and Examples - International Character Sets - Greek Demo

This final demo shows how International Character Sets may be used in the Node Text.

This Tree is a copy of the first demo but with the node text translated to Greek.

There are 2 important points to note,

First the node data file is saved in UTF8 format.

The second is the addition of the "charset" parameter to the applet parameters. This specifies the character set to be used by the tree when reading the data file.

For further information on Multi-Language support see Multi-Language Support »

(if you do not see the tree above
click here»


The colors, fonts and various other properties of the tree are set via HTML Param tags. Here is the HTML code for the above tree:-

<applet code="TreeApplet" width="220" height="200" archive="Treemenu.jar">

<!-- Set the Character Set -->
<PARAM name="charset" value="UTF8">

<!-- Tree Properties -->
<param name="backgroundColor" value="#FFEECC">
<param name="borderWidth" value="1">
<param name="borderColor" value="#CCBB88">
<param name="underlineLinks" value="false">
<param name="scrollBarBgColor" value="#FFAA00">
<param name="statusBar" value="false">
<param name="connectingLines" value="true">
<param name="connectingLinesColor" value="#887744">
<param name="connectingLinesStyle" value="2">
<param name="highTextColor" value="#FFFFFF">
<param name="highBgColor" value="#0000FF">
<param name="nodeOffset" value="25">
<param name="nodegap" value="0">

<!-- Default Node Settings -->
<param name="defaultTarget" value="_top">
<param name="defaultFont" value="Arial,N,10">
<param name="defaultColor" value="#000000">
<param name="defaultExpanded" value="false">
<param name="defaultNormalImage" value="closedfolder">
<param name="defaultExpandedImage" value="openfolder">
<param name="defaultMouseImage" value="point">

<!-- Images -->
<param name="image1" value="closedfolder|./iconimages/closedfolder.gif">
<param name="image2" value="openfolder|./iconimages/openfolder.gif">
<param name="image3" value="document|./iconimages/document.gif">
<param name="image4" value="point|./iconimages/point.gif">

<!-- Node File -->
<param name="Nodedata" value="greeknodes.txt">




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