pie chart

2D/3D Pie Chart for PHP

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2D/3D Pie Chart for PHP

Documentation - Full Parameter Reference

There are many configurable options for the graphing software. This section describes each parameter and it's effect in detail.

With the exception of 2 parameters, all of the following are optional and if not supplied the graph will automatically calculate the values.

The only 2 parameters which must be supplied in all cases are width and height.

General Graph Properties


Parameter Name Range of Values Example
width integer value
Specifies the width in pixels
width: 300
height integer value
Specifies the height in pixels
height: 400
ndecplaces integer value
Specifies the number of decimal places to use when displaying values
ndecplaces: 2
thousandseparator Any character symbol. thousandseparator: ,
pecentndecplaces integer value
Specifies the number of decimal places to use when displaying percentage values
percentndecplaces: 0
backgroundcolor Color definition (see Colors»)
general background color of the graph image
backgroundcolor: white
displayvalues True or False
specifies whether actual values should be displayed at the top of each point
displayvalues: false

Valid values are:-

very high

The specifies how much image processing is to be applied in order to 'smooth-out' the pie segments.
( only available if the PHP environment is running with GD 2 or higher)
more info»

quality: medium
bgimage URL to an Image file
specifies an image to used as the background
bgimage: brimage.gif

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Segment Label Properties
Parameter Name Range of Values Example
segmentlabels True or False
specifies whether to segment labels or not
segmentlabels: true

Font Definition :-

medium bold
large bold

segmentlabelfont: medium
segmentlabelcolor Color definition (see Colors»)
label text color
segmentlabelcolor: blue
displaypercentages True or False
specifies whether to add percentage figures to the segment labels or not
displaypercentages: true
labellines True or False
specifies whether to draw a line from the segment to the label or not
labellines: true

Character or Text
leading character or text for each segment label

valuepresym: $
valuepostsym Character or Text
trailing character or text for each segment label
valuepostsym: Kg


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Pie Properties

Three parameters may be supplied for each pie on the chart. These are:

Center Position - x,y pixel co-ordinate of the pie center

Pie Size -diameter in pixels of the pie

Segment Seperation - if an exploded pie is required then this value represents the seperation in pixels of the segments.

The format of the pie parameter is:-

pieN: position | size | seperation |

where N represents the pie / series number

For example if there are 2 series of data (ie 2 pies) the pie parameters would be:-

pie1: 100,100|100|0|
pie2: 300,100|75|20||


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Segment Properties

Two parameters may be supplied for each pie segment. These are:

Segment Color - x,y pixel co-ordinate of the pie center

Legend Label -diameter in pixels of the pie

Segment definitions are common to all pies on the chart.

The format of the segment parameter is:-

segmentM: color | legend label |

where M represents the segment number

For example if there are 5 segements on each pie (ie 5 data values in each series) the segment parameters would be:-

segment1: red|label 1|
segment2: red|label 2|
segment3: red|label 3|
segment4: red|label 4|
segment5: red|label 5|


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3D Properties
Parameter Name Range of Values Example
3d True or False
determines whether 2D or 3D pies should be drawn.
3d: true
depth3d Integer Value
specifies the depth in pixels of the 3D effect
depth3d: 20
3dangle Integer value between 0 and 90
Specifies the angle (in degrees) in the z-plane of the 3d effect. A value of 40 generally produces good results.
3dangle: 40

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Legend Properties
Parameter Name Range of Values Example
legend True or False
determines whether the graph legend should be drawn or not
legend: true
legendstyle horizontal or vertical
specifies whether the legend should be horizontal or vertical
legendstyle: horizontal
legendbgcolor Color definition (see Colors»)
background color of the legend area
legendbgcolor: white
legendbordercolor Color definition (see Colors»)
border color of the legend
legendbordercolor: light blue
legendtextcolor Color definition (see Colors»)
text color of the legend
legendtextcolor: black
legendtitle Text
legend title. leave blank if no title required.
legendtitle: The Legned
legendposition X,Y position
position of the legend.
legendposition: 50,50

Font Definition :-

medium bold
large bold


legendfont: medium


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Graph Title


Parameter Name Range of Values Example
titletext Text
Main graph title
titletext: Graph Title

Font Definition :-

medium bold
large bold

titlefont: large bold
titlecolor Color definition (see Colors»)
text color
titlecolor: purple
titleposition X,Y Position
position of the title
titleposition: 100,20


Additional Text may be added to the graph image using the "Free Form Text" parameters.

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Free Form Text

In addition to the standard titles, any number of lines of text may be added to the graph using the "text" parameter.

The text parameter is consists of 4 elements:-


The format of the text parameter is:-

text: text | font | color | position |

For more on color defintions see Colors»

The font defintion can be one of:-

medium bold
large bold

For example if 3 lines of text were to be added the following parameters would be included in the configuration:-

text: line one of text|medium|#000000|50,50|
text: line two of text|medium|#000000|50,65|
text: line three of text|medium|#000000|50,80|


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Free Form Images

Any number of images may be added to the graph using the "image" parameter.

The image parameter is consists of 2 elements:-

URL or Filename of an image file

The format of the image parameter is:-

image: URL or filename | position |

For example if an image "logo.png" was to be drawn on the graph image then the following parameter would be included in the configuration:-

image: logo.png|5,5|


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